– Gathering for more successful business –

LOGISTICS CLUSTER represents a gathering of companies to strengthen competitiveness, innovation, and business improvement in logistics. Long-term cooperation, numerous exchanges of opinions, dialogues, and critical reviews of the company have led to the need to face all the difficulties in an everyday challenging business and were the reasons to launch the initiative of gathering under the umbrella of joint action to solve individual and common interests.

LOGISTICS CLUSTER connects business subjects of related or different activities and related support organizations within geographically concentrated regional, traditional, or other organizational formats, as well as other institutions and organizations that guarantee a critical mass of knowledge, technologies, and resources. It means important for strengthening the competitiveness of individual companies, members, and the cluster as a whole.

Cluster members are connected by common interests and needs in the area:

  • improvement of general business conditions by current standards,
  • protection of members’ interests (definition of joint, individual, and special interests),
  • simplification of the customs procedure and introduction of e-business,
  • fair and equitable distribution of access rights under EU mobility packages,
  • representation before domestic and international organizations,
  • optimization of business costs
  • procurement optimization, cost management…
  • definition of minimum economically viable business conditions (tariffs, price lists, car days, and mechanisms of protection against business risks),
  • specialized services at the request of the individual or joint members, education and specialization of employees,
  • application of “green logistics” technology,
  • flow of information of general interest, protection of information on business secrecy,
  • creation of a dialogue regarding the impact on the adoption of regulations with ministries of all levels, from entity to state, regional and EU levels,
  • creation of a dialogue with associations, interest groups, police, customs, inspection, etc.
  • network research and development – a creation of a network within and between clusters (creation of a company database, regular tours, address book of suppliers and service providers, website, monthly information on news in the industry and the environment, periodical magazine, etc.).
  • training and education – analysis of needs for specific training, organization of training, regular company meetings to exchange experiences and contacts, etc.
  • business cooperation – initiation and support of cooperation projects between companies,
  • influence on politics – lobbying and creation of dialogue between clusters, the scientific community, and authorities.
  • cluster growth – strengthening regional identity, building a a national and international reputation, promoting investments – domestic and foreign.


LOGISTICS CLUSTER is formed on the principle of a decentralized, functional organizational structure and operates through sections with defined annual and two-year plans and programs of work, i.e. activities:






Logistics centers and terminals


Logistics operators

LOGISTICS CLUSTER establishes cooperation, cooperation, and coordination among its members to achieve greater competitiveness for the company, thereby strengthening the regional identity and building a national and international reputation. We are aware that the process of cluster development is a long-term socio-economic process, that’s why volunteerism and gathering of interests are the starting point.

On the regional and international level, LOGISTICS CLUSTER   will establish dialogue and cooperation with regional associations and clusters from the EU region, with the aim of business-technical cooperation (representation, coordination, etc.), the International Road Transport Union IRU, the European Association of Logistics, the International Federation of Freight Forwarders FIATA, etc.

The dialogue partners of LOGISTICS CLUSTER are:

  • Council/Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Government of RS and Government of FBIH,
  • UINO BiH,
  • Chamber system of BiH,
  • Association of employers,
  • Association of exporters,
  • Insurance companies
  • Association of banks
  • Specialized authorized institutions

In the era of globalization, wireless communications, integration of different forms of communication, demands “faster” and “cheaper” transport. With the lower price of logistics services”, the assertion and insistence on “sharing” and “taking away” operations and location grouping of business seem paradoxical because the market match is played according to “new rules” .

The logistics cluster has the opportunity to develop its specific mix of competitive advantages, based on the consolidation and strength of existing capacities, but also vertically connected activities, strong logistics providers of cluster members, and through the provision of infrastructure services, lobbying through institutions that create business policy, pass regulations, implement and control the process, provide training, information, research and other technical support for establishing standards